
Overcom publishes work by queer writers and artists. You can send in submissions any time; we will officially open our submissions twice a year. Issues are not themed, and a diverse range of works are published in each issue. 

The best way to get a feel for what we publish is to purchase and read the latest issue. If you find the price prohibitive, you can request a free copy.

If you have any questions about submitting, please send an email ([email protected]) or a message on Instagram (@overcommag).

  • You may submit work which has been published elsewhere. Please include in your email where the piece was published.
  • You may submit up to TWO pieces.
  • Include in the body of your email: your name (and the name you publish under, if different), pronouns, the titles of the pieces you are submitting, a bio of 30 words or less, your social media handle if you would like to be tagged in posts, and your city/location (especially if you are outside Aotearoa). If you have never written a bio before, you can read our bio tips here.
  • Email submissions to [email protected] with 'Submission for Issue __' in the subject line (fill in with the issue number).
  • Generally, only one piece per writer/artist is published per issue.
  • Regrettably, we are unable to pay for contributions. Each contributor receives a free copy of the issue.
  • Accepted writing includes poetry, short stories, creative non-fiction, personal essays, etc.
  • Poetry should be under 40 lines.
  • Prose should be under 550 words.
  • Please send written submissions in one .docx file. Please use your name (or the name you publish under) and the number of pieces as the file name, e.g. "Jane Bloggs - Two poems.docx" or "Jo Bloggs - A short story and a poem.docx". Ensure your name is on each page.
  • If you don't have the ability to send a .docx file, please send it as a Google Doc, not a PDF.
  • Accepted artworks include illustrations, drawings, paintings, photography, comics, etc.
  • Please send visual submissions as .jpg/.jpeg, .png or .pdf, and ensure the quality is high enough that the artwork will not be pixelated when printed on an A5 page.
  • Save the files with with your name (or the name you publish under) and the title of the piece as the file name, e.g. "Jane Bloggs - Untitled.pdf".